Baby Lifesaver!

Written by on 15th March 2023

Doctors in Texas have been astounded by what appears to be a rescue call from the womb!

Leah McBride knew that she was expecting twin girls and that one was smaller than the other. So when Poppy’s heart rate began to waver at just under 32 weeks, doctors decided to intervene and deliver the twins.

However, they soon discovered that it was actually the larger twin, Winnie who was in trouble, and that despite Poppy being only 1lb and 11oz, she was perfectly healthy and there was nothing wrong with her heart.

Winnie weighed in at 3lbs and 8ozs but needed to go straight to intensive care and have surgery at 14 days old, so it appeared that Poppy had sent out distress signals which ultimately saved her sister’s life.

Both girls are thriving and doing really well and mum, Leah says that “Even though she is still smaller, Poppy is the feisty one, and always takes care of Winnie”

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